

Starting from this date and from this city the biographical journey of Silvia, later Chiara, Lubich, unfolds. It passes through what has been defined as the “short century”, marked by a succession of transformations, very rapid change and also catastrophes. The 20th century is the historical setting in which Chiara Lubich first learned how to form effective and deep relationships. It is the context in which she made a contribution in the fields of culture and society on both local and international levels. In this context, she opened new pathways, initiated processes and made concrete achievements, where gospel values were the hidden but supporting structure of relationships of recognized interdependence. This exhibition is divided into three sections, to which a fourth must be added, located in Primiero. These sections express a life and are marked by events, both large and small, by testimonies and documents. These are conveyed in words and images, but especially in colours and light. It is not and does not want to be a tour in black and white. The story itself is based on a substantial palette, where Chiara’s personal story is intertwined with the history of her city and with that of the world, involving men and women from different backgrounds, cultures and identities.The tension suggested in the title is a positive one. The city-world binomial is central and shown through Chiara’s life and action. It manifests itself as a generative relationship, the fruit of a secret revealed to her, which the experience of the exhibition wants to hand on.


Chiara helped me to understand that the ones who need love most are the poor. That’s why I decided to stay and work in the slum here in Mathare (Nairobi) so that the lives of other children can change.

Millycent Akinyi


Chiara Lubich is one of the most representative figures in interreligious
and intercultural dialogue, a rigorous
and clear voice in contemporary debate.

Giorgio Napolitano,
former President of the Italian Republic


Her thoughts and example have deepened my work and my life, as well as the lives of many others. She was guided by the light of love and was a ray of light that will never die.

Ron Austin,
Hollywood screenwriter


Her great teaching lies in the affirmation of a compassionate Christianity. Her Christian experience is a great lesson for believers and non-believers, for all of us.

Massimo Cacciari,
philosopher, academic and former mayor of Venice


I never met her personally, I never spoke with her but I know her from her books and recordings. She transformed my life and my heart; and this also spilled over into my family.

Alberto Di Giovanni


When I was a girl, Chiara hugged me and welcomed me. She always asked me many questions. It was a gift for me to see how free she was in asking questions and listening to a young person from another movement, another culture, from another family, as if I belonged to her own family.

Kezevino Aram


The mission of her whole life has been to alleviate human suffering, in both poverty and pain, and to embody the “good news” of peace and reconciliation in every corner of the world.

Bartholomew I,
Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople

Next section


1920 – 1942

A cura di:


Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino
Via Torre d'Augusto
41 38122 TRENTO - Italy
cf/p.iva 02050480223


Centro Chiara Lubich
Via della Madonnella, 10
00040 Rocca di Papa (RM)
+39 06 947 98 221


Piazza di Piedicastello, 38122 Trento (TN)

Dall'8 marzo al 18 maggio 2020: CHIUSO.
Da martedì a domenica, ore 9.00-18.00.
Chiuso il lunedì, il 25 dicembre e il 1° gennaio.
Aperto durante le altre festività, salvo diversa indicazione.
Ingresso libero.

Referente: Roberta Tait
tel. +39 0461 230482

Tel. 0461 230482
Sab., dom.e festivi: 3283807024